Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Week No. 16: Last Week of EDP 9

#October 8, 10, 12, 13, 2012

     This week is the last week of this semester, school year 2012-2013. The week covered the following reports; Learning Module, Seminar, Laboratory Method, Classroom Management and The Art of Questioning. These last topics still add our learning about teaching.

     Module. This is also known as the self-learning method of teaching wherein a student is provided by the teacher a bundle of topics, questions after every topic and evaluation for the student. In making module, we are to consider the language we use, particularly the terms found in the module. Since module is a self-learning type, the objectives must be clear enough to be understood by the student himself. Since it is a self-study, the student needs self-discipline to work toward mastering on the module.

     In module, students can work at their own place. They assume responsibility for leaning. Students may also find that textbooks are not the only source of learning. For teachers, module helps in identifying problems earlier. They also have time to pay attention to individual learning problems.

     Just like lesson plans and unit plans, modules have essential parts to consider. These are: statement of purpose or rationale of the module; the pretest, which may show how prepared or unprepared the student is for the module; the objectives, which state what the student is expected to know, do, or feel after accomplishing the module, the instructional activities, which serves as “study guide” and which may enable the student to meet the objectives, if done; the posttest, which measures what students have acquired for the module or if they have mastered the objectives.

    Seminar. This is held for the purpose of solving or attempting to solve a problem. The discussion in on an issue, problem, situation, or proportion on which an answer, a solution, or a policy is arrived at.
     The steps in preparing for a discussion in a seminar depend on (1) how complex the seminar problem is, (2) how much of an expert the leader, and (3) how skillful the leader is guiding a group through the process of learning. In seminar, it is of great advantage when the leader has enough knowledge about the subject. With this, he can guide the seminar group into the subject without much difficulty.

    Seminar is useful especially in identifying the problems and in solving problems. It would be successful if each member in a group will participate during the seminar. This cooperation is highly needed to solve the problems that a group may encounter.

    Classroom Management. This is define as the administration of direction of activities with special reference to such problems as discipline, democratic techniques, use and care of supplies and reference materials, the physical features of the classroom, general housekeeping, and the social relationship of students.

     One of the teacher’s tasks is to be a manager. A manager of the class which includes the behavior of the students and how will the class work in an organize way. If the teacher has no knowledge of managing the class he/she can’t teach them well.

    Yes, one can’t teach well if he/she don’t know how to manage. No matter how good the teacher in mastery of the subject matter or in making his/her lesson plan, if he/she is not good In managing the class, his/her presence in the classroom is useless.

     Laboratory Method. The term laboratory refers to a place for experimental study. Presently, it is defined as a teaching procedure dealing with firsthand experiences regarding materials or facts obtained from investigation or experimentation.

     Since it is a method, it also has steps to be followed. First is the INTRODUCTORY STEP which determines what work is to be done. As teacher, he/she should decide beforehand what is to be done and present it to the class so that the objectives will be clearly understood by the students. Second is the WORK PERIOD. Here, the students are working out the assigned task of the teacher. Third is the CULMINATING ACTIVITIES in which findings of the students are organized and discussed.

     Supervision of the teacher is very important in this method. Teacher must bear in mind that some of the students are unfamiliar with the materials found in the laboratory.

     The Art of Questioning. One of the teaching strategies that are very old in nature is questioning. Socrates, Plato, Aristotle and many other philosophers uses this strategy to stimulate the minds of their audience. Same with the teacher, they throw questions to students during discussions to stimulate their minds and have their response to his/her questions. Questions on the lesson arouse the learner’s enthusiasm and hold his/her interest.

     As teacher, we have to be skillful enough in giving questions. Skillful questions involves knowledge of the various uses of the question, the characteristics of a good question, the techniques of questioning, and the techniques of handling student’s responses and questions.

     We can use questions to stimulate students to think. Others are to motivate them. Some helps in diagnosing learner’s difficulties. Questioning also unfolds the interests of the student.

     In asking questions, it must be natural and in a well-modulated voice. The teacher should also wait for the student since they are still thinking for an answer. He/she should also refrain from repeating the questions. The question should be catchy that the whole class can have some time for discussion.

    In formulating questions, it must be simple and clear. Question is certain. It should base on the ability of the students. A good question also is challenging and provoking.

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