Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Week No. 15: Extension to Methods of Teaching

#October 1, 2012

  Most students often re-act teachers’ performance. With this, demonstration method exists as one of the methods that will help to make teaching easier and learning process is more effective.

   Demonstration Method is considered as an audiovisual device because it makes use of instructional materials and equipment. It is one of the most common methods used in teaching. It allows the students to watch and learn while the teacher is doing his/her demonstration. Demonstration is also called as the Imitation Method. In such a way that students reenact what the teacher demonstrates.

    In demonstration, the teacher must use a clear and loud voice. The teacher must make sure that all the students can see what he is demonstrating. If it is a step-by-step demonstration, he should mention the steps needed to complete the process.

    Speaking of steps, demonstration has several steps to be followed. These steps are as follow: Purposing, Planning, Demonstration Proper, Executing, and Evaluation.

     The POSTSCRIPT that was given by our instructor about Demonstration Method expounds our idea on how to use demonstration effectively. It was stated there if is it better to learn a little a lot or to learn a lot a little. As far as demonstration is concerned, teacher must set his mind that his audience has zero knowledge about his doing. As demonstrator, we are to anticipate questions from the audience, but not so many, be time conscious also.

    Lecture Method on the other hand, has been a part of the traditional school. Wherein the teacher is the center of the class. His/her mastery and techniques in lecturing will somehow add on the success of the whole class. Lecture Method is like telling method, but they are not exactly the same. It is more on exposition than narration. It is defined by Bossing as a teaching procedure for clarifying or explaining a major idea cast in the form of a question or problem. Lecture trains the student to listen. But on the contrary, it defies the principle, “learning by doing”, since it allows the students to listen.

    There are two types of lecture, the Formal Lecture and the Informal Lecture. Formal Lecture is uninterrupted verbal presentation by lecturer. Informal Lecture on the other hand, is a conversational presentation interspersed with questions, comments and brief discussion.

   Lecture method is good for those learners that are auditory or aesthetic. Lecture method, also requires teachers a loud and clear voice.

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