Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Week No. 13: Types of Lessons

#September 22, 2012

In this day’s discussion, reporters introduced us to Development Lesson, Types of Lesson Appreciation Lesson, and Review Lesson. As teacher, we are to familiarize or even master different types of lessons that will enhance the teaching-learning process in the classroom.

    The DEVELOPMENT LESSON is one in which something new is introduced or developed. It may be a fact, principle, a skill, a generalization, or some knowledge. It must be something the class did not know yet. There are two types of this lesson, the formal and the informal. FORMAL DEVELOPMENT LESSON is using formal time-tested method such as the inductive, deductive, or problem solving. Informal Development Lesson on the other hand does not use a definite method with definite steps. It may also use the question-and-answer method.

  Informal Development Lesson have the following  steps: Preparation which includes the cognitive and motivational aspects; Presentation or development which uses the questions and teaching aids that leads he class to examine and analyze; Application in which the teacher will identify whether the students have learned or not.

    The teacher must also consider the necessary conditions to have a good DEVELOPMENTAL LESSON. First, the teacher must have the mastery on the subject matter. Second, recall of past experiences of information that have a bearing on the new lesson. Lastly, the teacher’s clear awareness of what is to be perceived, presented, or developed.

     Next topic was the APPRECIATION LESSON. A teacher can only know if the student is learning when he/she applies what the teacher taught them. Good application means the student appreciate the lesson. When a student appreciates the lesson he/she is enjoying in learning it and in applying it to situations.

   An appreciation lesson is one that is designed to lead the class to understand and enjoy something. One cannot fully appreciate what one does not understand. Appreciation then is a combination of understanding and enjoyment.

     REVIEW LESSON on the other hand, has been thought by many as refreshing the lessons that have been tackled. Review really means a new view of the old facts in a broader setting that should result in new meaning, associations, attitudes, and ways of acting.

     Although the Review Lesson aims to mainly give a new view of the discussed topic, it has other purposes such as: (1) Retention of material,(2) Organization of Materials and experiences into large whole, (3)Development of ability to evaluate material, (4)Supplement of materials and experiences, Foundation of further learning, (5) Diagnosis of students’ weaknesses, (6)Diagnosis of teacher’s weaknesses, (7)Development of interest in old materials, (8)Stimulation of original thinking and creativeness, (9)Tracing the main thought throughout a unit, (10)Reorganization of previously organized information into a new pattern.

     There are types of review depending on the topic and the objective of the review. First, the short prelesson daily review for three of five minutes. With this type of review, the teacher stimulates and directs study toward definite goals.  Second, the postlesson unit review. Here, it needs more time than that of the first type. Third, extensive large unit review involving coordination of many units. This review can take place toward the end of the semester or school year and spread over several days. When we use review lesson, we must bear in mind that the review must be of value to the student, it should be interesting, and should follow the psychological principle of learning. There are certain conditions also to consider attaining a good review. (1)Previous lesson must have been studied; (2) too much should not be covered in one lesson; (3) the teacher should have in-depth mastery of the subject and have organized it as a whole.

     These varieties of lessons could help the teacher attain a better outcome when it comes to teaching the students. As teachers, we ought to familiarize ourselves with different types of lessons available. There is no such best lesson; it just depends on how the teacher uses the type of lesson.

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