Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Week No. 14: Extension to Types of Lesson and Methods of Teaching

#September 24, 26, 28, 2012

Drill Lesson

   Drill, usually this happens when we test the students’ knowledge when it comes to application of the theories discussed. Drills are needed for mastery, and all subjects need a little amount if drill. In drill lesson, same material is use over and over again until one mastered. Drill involves activities that require memorization. Drills are also needed for training in motor skills such as handwriting, typewriting, shorthand, shopwork, and in the mechanics of reading, pronunciation of foreign words, and the habituation of certain acts.

    Just like other lessons, it also follows procedure. These are, (1) motivation, (2) focalization, (3) Repetition with attention, and (5) application.

 Methods of Teaching

     This time, the reporter introduced the methods of teaching including some methods that has been part of the traditional learning process and has proved its help in attaining a good outcome.

     Method is defined as the mode of procedure, especially an orderly or systematic mode. It is a way of doing something particularly in accordance with definite plan. As applied to teaching, method is a series of related and progressive acts performed by the teacher and the students to accomplish the general and specific aims of the lesson. Methods form the bridge between the learner and the subject matter.

      There are lots methods available for an easier and more progressive learning process. Since methods are to be used by the teacher, there are principles that we, as teachers, have to consider in choosing a certain type of method. Here are some. It should utilized the present interest of the learners and stimulate the development of further interest. This means that a method should fit on the interests of the learner. Methods should be concerned with all aspects of student development—physical, intellectual, social, emotional .It is also better if the teacher will introduce the students to some new methods that could ignite their interest. Since interest of the students is important in the learning process.

     The reporter discussed of Inductive and Deductive Method of teaching. Inductive is also known as the “Discovery Method”. Through this procedure, one may arrive at a fact, principle, truth, or generalization. The inductive method is used in mathematics, language, and the laboratory subjects, either as the main method or as a subsidiary method. There are five steps in utilizing the method, these are as follows: preparation, presentation, comparison and abstraction, generalization, application.

     Deductive Method on the other hand, is the opposite of Inductive Method. It starts from generalization to specification. Deduction is a process of solving a problem or overcoming a difficulty by applying to a problem. Same with the Inductive Method, deductive has also steps to be followed. These are:  statement of the problem, generalization, inference, and verification.

    Methods of teaching are very helpful, but teacher’s response on those methods vary its effectivity for a successful teaching-learning process. 

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