Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Week No. 8: Functions of Teaching

#July 30, Aug. 1, 3:

            When we hear the word teacher, what comes always in our mind is they teach us lesson from books and other references. Yes, their mean goal is to teach us. But aside from that, they also administer students in the classroom. They managed the class, give advice to the students. They also facilitate in enriching the students through co-curricular and communities for development. The presenter also discussed about other types of learning. These are Social Learning and Observational Learning. Social Learning is learning through other people. This expounds the famous line, “No man is an island”. We can learn from other peoples’ experiences, advises and corrections. With social learning, we are to relate our ideas with other people. Observational Learning is somehow imitating others’ actions, and behaviors. We can learn through mistakes of others or we can commit mistakes by acting unrightfully as what we have observed from the society that we belong.
                The reporter also discussed about some Laws of Learning. The Law of Readiness which emphasizes that level of preparedness of the students before new lessons or subjects are to be tackled. With these also, we can also determine the level of knowledge the students already have. This will help the teacher in preparing his/her lessons.

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