Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Week No. 8: Functions of Teaching

#July 30, Aug. 1, 3:

            When we hear the word teacher, what comes always in our mind is they teach us lesson from books and other references. Yes, their mean goal is to teach us. But aside from that, they also administer students in the classroom. They managed the class, give advice to the students. They also facilitate in enriching the students through co-curricular and communities for development. The presenter also discussed about other types of learning. These are Social Learning and Observational Learning. Social Learning is learning through other people. This expounds the famous line, “No man is an island”. We can learn from other peoples’ experiences, advises and corrections. With social learning, we are to relate our ideas with other people. Observational Learning is somehow imitating others’ actions, and behaviors. We can learn through mistakes of others or we can commit mistakes by acting unrightfully as what we have observed from the society that we belong.
                The reporter also discussed about some Laws of Learning. The Law of Readiness which emphasizes that level of preparedness of the students before new lessons or subjects are to be tackled. With these also, we can also determine the level of knowledge the students already have. This will help the teacher in preparing his/her lessons.

Week No. 7: Cognitive Learning

#July 23, 25, 27:

                   Cognitive learning is defined in the field of psychology as being aware of current intellectuality such as knowing and thinking. Cognitive learning is more on mental learning or self-education. But, as teacher, they are to guide the student in this cognitive learning. We are learning through our experiences in life. You can’t say it hurts unless you feel it. We can’t share something, especially information, if we don’t possess any of them.

                Reading is part or one way of learning. In reading we have to comprehend for us to say that we understand the figures and symbols that we see. The reporter presented some skill that learners can develop. These are, analysis, focusing or scanning, comparative analysis, narrowing, complex cognitive, sharpening, and tolerance. He also discussed the seven (7) thinking strategies. These are basic rehearsal, complex rehearsal, basic elaboration, complex elaboration, complex organizational, complex monitoring and being affective. These strategies can help us improve our thinking for a better learning process. We can acquire and learn those skills and strategies if we have the interest to do so. Meaning, our learning depends on our interest to learn.

Week No. 6: Principles of Learning

July 18, 20, 2012

            In this class, the presenter introduced us to the PRINCIPLES OF LEARNING. In these principles, the main characters that played vital roles in the learning process are the teachers and the students. There are principles that focuses on the view point of the teacher and others are on the view of the students. It also emphasizes that teachers are to adjust for the better learning process rather than students. One of the principles that the reporter stressed is practicing the students repeatedly will make them perfect in the lessons that were tackled and are to be tackled. For me, repeatedly practicing lessons can lead us to improvement and not necessary to perfection. As teachers, we are to recognize the development and improvement of the students. In addition, letting them know that they have improved can motivate them to practice more and learn more.

                The speaker also discussed about motivation as one principle of learning. Motivation on the part of the teacher is hard, because there are some students that are hard to motivate in terms of learning new lesson. But the part of students, they must/encourage to have self-motivation or intrinsic motivation.

                She also discussed about the Traditional School and Progressive School. If I were to choose from the two, I would choose the Progressive School because its scope is not just on teaching the lessons from the books and other references. It includes the teaching of values and developing skills and talents of the students.

Week No. 5: Characteristic of Learning

#July 13,16, 2012:

                        In this week, we have found out that learning is interactive. This means that learning is better when we interact with the environment we belong. With this principle, we can say that “no man is an island”. We are also reminded by the reporter about the factors that contribute to learning. He also introduced us to the factors which are not yet discussed by the previous reporters. These factors are as follows; drive and motivation, positive transfer of learning, usefulness of materials, the numbers of senses involved and feedback or knowledge of results. These factors are just some of the many factors that affect learning.

                The reporter also introduced us to the studying techniques that will help us improve our performance (in terms of learning). First on the list is the motivation to study which means that behavior of learners towards studying will either help improve or deteriorate the learning process. Another technique is the distributed versus massed practice. Next is the recitation versus reading. Fourth is the whole versus part learning. Last is the organized studying-routine, which means that in learning we have to manage our time. We have to allot enough time to study. We also have to organize or divide the topics we are to study.

                The speaker also presented the concept of problem solving. This will exist if a goal-oriented task is blocked. In problem solving learners are trained to use rules and solutions. In solving, we think. Thinking is manipulating the words and figures internally. Thinking as a process are, recalling, relearning, reorganization, and reintegration. When we are thinking, we use our mind. With this, thinking becomes one of the characteristics of learning.